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How I Got Banned, Then Unbanned From Technorati!

Last Sunday, I got an email from Gustav Mörtberg of Diablo Source pointing me to a post from Earners Blog call Trick to Increase your Technorati Rank. The author explained how he went from 40,000 to about 4,100 Technorati rank in just one day.

I used Xenu to fully spider & grab all the URL’s from sites I knew had a Sitewide link to Earners Blog. I loaded all the URL’s into a text file & got rid of any externals. I then loaded the full list into the pinging tool that comes with Blogger Generator, fire the Technorati ping server into it:

Then just let it run on the entire list.

This technique increased my link count from 888 to 3,100 within the space of around 60 minutes.

Blogger Generator is a get rich quick program that allows you to create a ton of useless Made for AdSense (MFA) blogs on The $97.00 program also comes with the ping tool you would need to do that above Technorati dance, but there was no way I was going to pay $97.00 for it. However, if you’re evil :twisted: , you will be able to figure out how to get the ping tool for free.

With dreams of rocketing to the Technorati top 100 overnight, I grabbed a list of all blogs linking to John Chow dot Com, loaded it into the Pinging tool and blasted it away at Technorati. Now, Technorati doesn’t seem to mind if you send them a few pings (maybe even a few hundred). However, they seem to get upset when you try to send them 17,000. The results: Technorati banned my ass.

Getting Unbanned

At this point I was thinking, “Maybe it’s just a software glitch?” *Classic denial* Doing a Technorati search for resulted in the following message:


There are blogs, and then there’s whatever you just typed in. If it’s a blog, we don’t know about it. Maybe you made a typo. Or maybe it’s a blog that doesn’t exist. Maybe you don’t exist. (In which case, please ignore this.)

At this point, I decided to play dumb and send Technorati an email asking why my site wasn’t ranked anymore. I stressed the fact that I am a longtime Technorati user, promoted Technorati, run the Technorati favorites button, etc., and asked for their help, because I don’t know what happen! :cry: The email worked. Technorati unbanned me and restore my ranking last night (which now stands at 259).

This mass pinging had a side effect on blogs that I linked to. Steve at Ramblings from the Marginalized wrote a post wondering why his Technorati ranking went from 90,000 to 15,955 in a day. Now you know Steve. If anyone else saw a huge Technorati increase, you have me to thank!

Overall, I wouldn’t recommend doing the above. I’m not sure at what point Technorati banned my blog. I noticed it was gone at about the 1100 ping mark. If you do wish to try it, then I recommend you keep the number of pings low and ping just top-level domains and not article URLs.


Google Adsense - The Easiest Money To Make Online?

For the last couple of months, Google Adsense has dominated forums, discussions and newsletters all over the Internet. Already, there are tales of fabulous riches to be made and millions made by those who are just working from home. It seems that Google Adsense have already dominated the internet marketing business and is now considered the easiest way to making money online.

The key to success with Adsense is the placing of ads on pages that are receiving high traffic for high demand keywords. The higher the cost-per-click to the advertiser, the more you will receive per click from your site. Obviously, it does not pay to target low cost-per-click keywords and place them on pages that do not receive hits.

With all the people getting online and clicking away everyday, it is no wonder why Google Adsense has become an instant hit.

For some who are just new to this market, it would be a blow to their pride knowing that their homepage is buried somewhere in the little ads promoting other people’s services. But then, when they get the idea that they are actually earning more money that way, all doubts and skepticism is laid to rest.

There are two major, and clever, factors that some successful webmaster and publishers are learning to blend together in order to make money easier using Adsense.

1. Targeting high traffic pages on your website. If you check on your logs, you will discover that many of your visitors are taking advantage of the free affiliate marketing resources and ebooks that you are offering on your site. In simple words, your ads are working effectively and are generating more clicks. It also means more money for you.

2. Placing Adsense links on pages that are producing little, or better yet, no profit. By placing Adsense on a free resources page, you will reduce the amount of potential customers being lost to other sites. Tricky, but effective nonetheless.

When learned to work effectively, these two factors are actually a good source of producing a minimal amount of revenue from a high traffic page. Many people are using this strategy to pick up some extra and cash with Adsense. This is also especially rewarding to informational sites that focus their efforts on delivering powerful affiliate link free content to their visitors. Now they can gain a monetary return on their services.

With the many techniques that people are now learning on how to make the easiest money by their Adsense, it is not surprising that Google is trying everything to update and polish their Adsense in order to maintain their good image.

The possibility of adding is 2nd tier in Adsense is not impossible. With all the people spending more time in their Adsense now and still more getting into this line of marketing, there is no doubt about the many new improvements yet to be made. Imagine the smiles on the faces of the webmasters and publishers all around the world if ever they sign up for sub-affiliates and double or even triple the amount that they are already earning.
The one particularly handy money-making feature that is available with Adsense now is the ability to filter out up to 200 urls. These gives webmasters the option to block out low value offers from their pages as well as competitors to their websites. Talk about taking only those that are advantageous and discarding the ones that seem “useless”.

With Google Adsense, the possibilities are limitless. Yet there is also the possibility of someone taking advantage of the easy money process that this internet marketing is doing. If you think more about it, these negative factors may force Google to break down and thrash Adsense in the process. If that happens, people would have to go back to the old ways of internet marketing that does not make money online as easy as Adsense.

For now, however, Google Adsense is here to stay. As long as there are people wanting to earn some easy cash online just using their talents, the future ahead is looking good. Besides with all the strict guidelines that Google is enforcing over Adsense, it will take awhile for the Adsense privileges to be spammed and even terminated.


How can I Reapply After Being Disabled?

For some unlucky reasons (mostly due to the invalid click activity), you adsenses acount is being disabled by Google. If you receive that email, I am sure you are very frustrated. The first thing to do is to make an appeal to Google, and provide as much evidence that favourable to you as possible. Chances (though really low) are there that you may get back your adsense account. Fill in the form below for making such appeal:

As I have mentioned before, the chance for reinstate your Adsense accout is pretty low. If you account is really banned unluckily, you may wish to open a new Adsense account. From the Google' policy, if an publisher is banned, he/she cannot apply for another one. But there is a little trick that enable that enabled you to do so.
First choose a new computers to start a new blog/ site, and then apply it with Google Adsense. Make sure that the IP address is completely different with those you have used to login your Google and Adsense accounts. I believe that Google will approve you if your site is clean nd have enough content. Then, use that computers only (or other new computers with new and diffeent IPs) to login your Adsense account. Never login your adsense account with the one you previously used, because that will let Google know this new Adsense account has correlation with the previous invalid click activity and disable your account.
Hope it helps!
Source: dagsense code

Blogging Mistakes To Avoid

Blogging Mistake #1 - Not Updating
It never fails. Somebody sets up a new blog and is all excited about it. We see a furry of posts for the first few days, maybe even a few weeks, and then the number of posts starts to go down until the blog is hardly updated at all. Nothing kills a blog faster than lack of updates. If you are going to blog, then pick a posting frequency and stick to it. Whether it’s one post per week or 10 posts per day, make a commitment to keep your blog updated. A non-updated blog is a dead blog.

Blogging Mistake #2 - Blogging Only For Money

If you’re blogging only for money, then you’re in for a shock. Yes, you can make good money with a blog, but despite what that National Post story on me said, it takes a lot more than “no effort.” 99% of blogs on the Web cannot make more than $100 a month. John Chow dot Com makes money because I don’t blog for money. If the only reason you’re blogging is to get rich, you will fail.

Blogging Mistake #3 - Rushing a Post

I am sure we have all been guilty of this - I know I have. A hot story comes up and you want to get it out ASAP, but in your rush to get the post published, you forget to proofread and just hit the Publish button. Whenever I’ve done that, there has always been mistakes in the post. Before you hit Publish, take your time to double/triple check the post to make sure it’s free of errors. If you spot an error after the post, correct it immediately.

Blogging Mistake #4 - Not Being Personal

A blog is not CNN or People read your blog to get your opinion and your point of view. Give it to them.

Blogging Mistake #5 - Being a Copycat

What makes your blog stand out from the millions in the blogshere? Is your blog unique or is it just another copycat? I am certainly not the first blog to write about making money on the Internet, so what makes my blog stand out other than me posting pictures of my dinner?

You can write about the same thing as the next blog, but you need to add your own views to make it unique. Don’t just copy and paste what another blog posted. Give your opinion because that’s what blogging is all about. The most unique thing about your blog is you.

Blogging Mistake #6 - Not Replying To Comments

A blog is a two-way communication tool, but many bloggers forget that. When readers comment in your blog, please answer them. If your readers don’t leave comments then try adding these Two Plugins To Increase Blog Comments.

Blogging Mistake #7 - Not Giving a Full Feed RSS

Unless you make 10+ posts per day, there are really no good reasons for not offering a full feed RSS. Since turning on my full feed RSS, my RSS subscribers has increased steadily. I expected traffic to the blog to go down but to my surprise, it kept going up.

Yes, a RSS feed is harder to monetize than a blog, but many RSS readers won’t subscribe unless your feed is full. Not offering a full feed when you do only a few updates a day (or week) just makes you look cheap.

Blogging Mistake #8 - Not Reaching Out To Other Bloggers

The best way to get your blog noticed is by saying hi to other blogs in your niche. The easiest way to do that is to comment on their blogs. I check the comments on my blog all the time and I visit the commentator’s site. I discovered many great blogs this way. Other ways of reaching out to other bloggers includes linking to them, sending trackbacks and adding yourself to their MyBlogLog community. If you’re really creative and have a bit of money to spend, you can even try sending a Google IM.

Blogging Mistake #9 - Writing For Google Instead Of People

Some of you may recall that I am taking an Internet Marketing and SEO class. During this class, the teacher talks about stuff like key phases, keyword density, making sure your content is Google friendly, etc. The only thing I have to say about that is; write for people, not for Google.

You can have the most perfectly written Google optimized page in the world and still not ranked number 1 because Google follows people. And people won’t read a page written for a search engine because it makes no sense. I do keep an eye on my keywords and key phases when I’m writing a post, but I also keep in mind that the readers come first, Google comes second.


A Google Adsense Addiction

54% of all Google Adsense publishers admit addiction to click income. A recent online study conducted by a small group of Google Publishers found that 54% of all Adsense publishers where addicted to the income potential of Googles Pay Per Click system.

Some Google Adsense Publishers Need Therapy

It was also found that some publishers were so addicted they where checking their Adsense statistics up to 50 times per day.

Google Adsense is a system where individuals who own content rich website's can earn money by placing small targeted ads within the content of their website. The ads can be customised to fit within the scheme of the website and some successful publishers can earn in excess of $200,000 per month.

One publisher stated that her addiction started the day she placed the Adsense code into her html code. "I was introduced to Adsense by my boyfriend, who makes around a $1000 a month". She went on to say that she doesn't blame Google for her addiction, but the fever in which forums and blogs promote the fact that anyone can become rich with this scheme inspired her to keep adding pages and checking her stats.

Kate, did state that she was earning a reasonable amount of money from Google Adsense, but told us she also spent a considerable amount of money on scripts, ebooks and promises of gaining all you would ever want to know about Adsense, from forum gurus claiming they had made their fortunes and where willing to share their secrets if you deposited $97 into their PayPal account.

Rags to Riches in 51 Days

Another publisher I spoke to told me his addiction had made him a rich man in 51 days. "I was browsing the net on October the 15th last year and came across a website that had a photo of a guy holding a Google cheque for nearly $200,000 dollars. Under the picture it stated that this was just a 1 month pay check from Google. Lights and bells went off in my head as I thought, Man, this is what I have been looking for".

David, had been dabbling in online money making schemes for about 6 years and to date had not been very successful. But he did have 3 websites which had 1000's of visitors to them and after reading all he could on the subject, David placed 2 small Adsense ads on each page of his 1000 page website. "I didn't sleep that night. I was so excited, I checked my stats every 10 minutes all night" he said. Just when he was about to give up for the night, David did his final stats check. "It was 5.50am exactly and I nearly fell off my chair. 1000 impressions, 98 clicks and a total of $18 income. I couldn't sleep that day as I checked my stats every 15 minutes and watched the income rose to over $58 for the day. I was addicted to this thing, this scheme was going to make me rich and I wasn't going to miss a minute of it" David said.

David had gone from $32 in his Bank account to over $6,700 in just 51 days. He had checked his stats on average 60 times per day and had spent more than 612 hours during that 51 days optimising his sites and adding content. David also admitted just like Kate that he had spent quite a bit of his profits on "how to" books, but stated that it was money very well spent.

"I am addicted to Google Adsense" Kate told me, "but what better addiction could you have than earning money, while doing something you love".

About the author: Steve Szasz, Webseo+Plus offers visitors tried and tested techniques to gain profitability using Google Adsense. We can show you what and will not work. If you want the latest winning techniques about Google Adsense subscribe to our information packed newsletter by clicking Google Adsense Tips.

How to convert your visitors into constant traffic?

It is a question that most of the bloggers wanna know. I can say it is relatively easy to drive initial traffic to your site/blog. For example, leaving your URLs as the signature of your forum and emails. People are quite willing to visit your site. But the problem is: How to make them to stay close with your blog and make them to be your constant traffic?

I know many of you have probably opened up your web stats and found out that you are getting bombarded with visitors. It could have been caused by a link from a large site, by a tons of blogs linking to you, by an increase in search engine rankings, or by getting to digg's homepage. So with all these first time visitors coming into your blog, how can you convert them into regular readers?

1. Write Content on a Regular Basis
Writing content on a regular basis that can benefit readers is one way to get them coming back to your blog. I always mention it in my fourm as well as in the Adsense Help Group. Another effective strategy is writing a part series and that is, if a new visitor like part 1, there is a good chance he or she will come back to read the coming part series.
2. Be Creative and Unexpected
Keep visitors on their toes, spice up your regular routine with something different every once in awhile, it will keep your blog away from being boring. If visitors are excited by your blog they will of course subscribe your feed and stay close with you.
3. Make Things Easy for Your Visitors
Making things usable and easier on the visitor can drastically increase your conversion rate. If your content is hard to read, it is very unlikely that visitors will come back to read your blog. If they want to subscribe to your RSS feed then make it easy for them.
4. Make Your Blog Message Very Clear on Every Page
If your reader cannot work out what is the point of your blog within a few seconds they will probably take off pretty quickly. Ask yourself this question - What message are you sending about your blog?

5. Pay Premium Attention to Conversation
Write content that talk to them. By doing this you can create a conversation and allow visitors to comment. I always welcome all to comment on each of my posts, and I will always try my best to reply them. Of course, give a thanks to them is a must. Aim about building a relationship with your visitors. Have an atmosphere of enabling conversation to take place. Encourage them to come back and make a visit again.

6. Give Your Visitors Great Attention
Don't be selfish to think your blog is all about you. Help your readers when they need help and if they want something from your blog then listen and take it into consideration. That's why my comment is halfly about the questions on Adsense and I also need to reply them through comments. I hope, with the use of my new forum site, these questions can be raised and answered there in the future.

7. Pay Attention to Individual Page Design
Every page is a potential doorway into the rest of your blog. From my statistics, there are quite a lot of people come to my blog through Google searching. They will enter my site in differnet posts. Given this information, you have to make your pages engaging and easy to navigate. It is worth asking a non blogging friend to test your blog’s usability and navigability to see just how easy it is to use.
8. Provide a Link to Other Relevant Posts
You may have written closely relevant to other post. Have their links handy at the end of every article post. Providing them with more on the same topic is logical way of keeping them on your blog. Having a sitemap is also a good suggestion.
9. Promote your RSS Feed
After every post, it's nice to have an active link such as - Please subscribe my blog for updated Adsense secrets.
10. Have a "Search This Blog" Facility
Many visitors would like to use search features to find if you have written topics of their interest. I tend to use the Google search option that Adsense then this not only allows your readers to search your site but gives you an income stream for your blog.
In fact, there are many ways to convert first time visitors into regular readers; these are just some of the ways that I know so far. If you know of any other ways to convert first time visitors into regular blog readers, feel free to leave a comment. Remember, each new reader is a potential regular visitor, and perhaps someone who will link to your blog.
Source: dagsensecode

Adsense: Why Bloggers Don’t Get It

In doing the research for my series of Adsense articles, two common ideas kept getting repeated:

* My Adsense ads are horrible, they only pay out (insert low dollar figure here)
* My Adsense CTR is horrible, I only get a (insert extremely low CTR here)

To be fair these comments weren’t coming just from bloggers, but bloggers did make up an overwhelmingly large percentage. I think this stems from a misconception on the part of the bloggers that they are entitled to high payout and CTR. I’d like to spend a little time to share my feelings on this subject. In the early days a blog may just have been an online diary or journal, but like the days of the Nehru jackets, they are gone. What a blog is now is Chronologically Structured Content Management System, as opposed to the classic web hierarchical structured implementation. Let’s be clear, you can still use a blog as your online diary or journal, but nowdays it’s just as likely to be used as a commercial blog. Yes, I did just say commercial blog, and no the earth didn’t open under my feet and swallow me whole for saying it. Let’s take some time to look at a your typical blog.

You may post about commercial related subjects like your job, what you like to buy, or even your hobbies. However these posts are all about your life, they are no more commercially viable or attractive than say Aunt Millie’s Holiday Newsletter. Yes we all have an Aunt Millie in our family, every year she sends out a finely crafted newsletter in a coordinating envelope she ordered from telling us all about her family. We learn how hard her husband works, how many activities her kids are in and how good they are at them. We also read the details of how her scrapbooking business hasn’t taken off yet, but she promises to spend more time on it right after New Years. So if you were a business owner would you want to advertise anywhere on Aunt Millie’s Newsletter? Then why would a business want to pay you top dollar to advertise on your blog? What’s that, you say your blog gets (insert a high number here) of readers per day, surely that has to be worth something? Well did you know Aunt Millie sends out over 800 copies of her holiday newsletter to 17 countries, on 4 continents? Now before you get all fired up about it, understand that I don’t have a problem with you having a personal blog or sharing it with the public. However your expectation that it has value outside of your family/friends/community, is a serious misconception.

So what exactly is a commercially viable blog? Don’t think of it as publishing a blog, think of it as publishing an online magazine. You need to start out with good content or articles about a small area or niche topic. You will need lots of content, and unless you are well known, don’t expect much to happen until you’ve written at least 100 and more likely over 200 articles. Yes you will have to devote some time and effort to publicizing and marketing it as well. Once you’ve got a significant focused reader base, that’s the time to slowly ad in the advertising. Now here’s the one that causes lots of people to freak out. BE PREPARED TO GIVE UP SOME PRIME SCREEN REAL ESTATE, IN THE CENTER, ABOVE THE FOLD, TO ADVERTISING. If you’ve worked with print media at all you will know the middle of the right hand page is the most desirable spot inside of a magazine (excluding the cover pages). I’ve sat through meetings where people have said ” … you know we need more right hand pages …”. If you want people to click on your ads, you will need put them where they can see them, above the fold in the center of the screen, in a prominent location. Yes I can almost here the keys typing for the flame comments and emails now. Before you hit that send button though, ask yourself this, are you building a space sough after by advertisers, or are you working on Aunt Millie’s Newsletter? No I don’t think your pages should be filled with ads, in fact quite the opposite, there should always be more content than advertising, ALWAYS!

Next thing, lose the fancy graphics and eye-candy from your template. Yes I know you may have paid for a fancy template, maybe you had your niece who’s a graphic artist design something for you, or you really like the way that spinning flaming platypus looks in your page header. Here’s the thing, it’s detracting from your content. Graphics should be simple, understated, and support the content, not overpower or compete with it. Now before some art student wearing a beret, corduroy jacket with elbow patches, and smoking a pipe or French cigarette, writes and calls me a Philistine, stop and think. Are you designing a commercially attractive and viable space, or are you designing an intricate macrame border for Aunt Millie’s Newsletter? Remember keep it simple and to the point.

Yes I know you feel like I just ripped off the band-aid, and now it hurts. Sorry but someone had to do it. I know some of you are still out there reading saying ‘but can’t I still have this … do we have to get rid of this … I really like that …’. Well I’m not your second grade teacher who’s going to tell you everything’s all right, that you don’t have to change a thing, and put a scooby-doo sticker on your shirt to make you feel better. If you want a blog that makes you more money than you spend at Starbucks every Tuesday, you will need to get serious about what you’re doing.

If none of this sounds incredibly fun, and really sounds pretty close to actual work, here’s the way I see it, getting an Adsense check for $5 is fun, getting an Adsense check for $500 or $5000 is work.

I don’t actually have an Aunt Millie, she’s a fictional character. But like you, I do have relatives who send out holiday newsletters.

Yes I know the minimum Adsense payment is $100, so you never could get a $5 check, but I was just making a point, mmkay?


New pricing structure for referrals

Last year we asked you for your feedback on referrals, and one of the issues we heard quite frequently was that it was too difficult to generate revenue with AdSense and AdWords referrals. To address this, we've just introduced a new pricing structure for both programs, which will be as follows:

AdSense Referrals:

  • When a publisher who signed up for Google AdSense through your referral earns their first $5 within 180 days of sign-up, you will be credited with $5.
  • When that same publisher earns $100 within 180 days of sign-up and is eligible for payment, you will be credited with an additional $250.
  • If, in any 180-day period, you refer 25 publishers who each earn more than $100 within 180 days of their respective sign-ups and are all eligible for payout, you will be awarded a $2,000 bonus (bonus payouts are limited to 1 per year).

AdWords Referrals:

  • When an advertiser you refer spends $5 within 90 days of sign-up (in addition to the $5 sign-up fee) you will be credited with $5.
  • When that same advertiser spends $100 within 90 days of sign-up, you will be credited with an additional $40.
  • If, in any 180 day period, you refer 20 advertisers who each spend more than $100 within 90 days of their respective sign-ups, you will be awarded a $600 bonus (bonus payments are limited to 1 per year).
These rules will also apply to users that you have already referred but who have not yet reached one of the new earning/spend thresholds. For example, if you referred an AdSense publisher who has currently earned $2.00, you will be paid $5.00 if that publisher reaches the $5.00 mark. But, if you have referred an AdSense publisher who has already earned $10.00, you will not be paid $5.00 retroactively for that referral reaching the $5.00 mark. However, should that publisher eventually reach the $100.00 earnings mark within 180 days, you will be paid $250.00.


The importance of Title Tags in Search Engine Optimization

A few days ago I was moaning to a mate about the fact that despite thousands of inbound links and a page rank of 6 - is still yet to rank highly for many of it’s relevant search terms in Google - as a result I rarely get any traffic from Google on this blog. Even for a term like ‘Blog Tips’ (something I write about a lot) I only ranked around 60th on Google.

My friend asked a simple question that made me realize how blind a blogger can be when they stare at their own blog all day and lose objectivity. He asked:

‘What is in the title tags of your blog?’

As soon as he asked the question I knew how stupid I’d been. This is a question I often ask other bloggers but had not asked myself!

The title tags of my front page had been ‘ProBlogger: Helping Bloggers Earn Money’. A good descriptive term - but not including some of the key terms that I was wanting to get hits on - particularly ‘Blog Tips’.

NB: your ‘title tags‘ are what appears between < .title > and < /title> in your blog’s templates. This title comes up at the top of your browser when viewing a page and comes up in search engine results as the title of your post.

After banging myself on the head a few times for my stupidity I decided to do an experiment - I changed my title tags on my home page to ‘ProBlogger Blog Tips: Helping Bloggers Earn Money’. Just a tweak really - the inclusion of two words. I set this up and waited to see what would happen.

The graph above (provided by digital point’s keyword tracker) tells the story better than I can with words. My search ranking for Google on the term ‘Blog Tips’ went from 65th to 10th in two or three days. On MSN I went from 40th to 1st. (the red line is another of my blogs which has always ranked highly on Google for ‘Blog tips’).

Now the term ‘blog tips’ isn’t the most lucrative term in the world and doesn’t bring in hoards of readers - but it is better than what I was doing with Google and it illustrates a point - your title tags are very powerful when it comes to optimizing your blog in Google (and other search engines).

I recommend that on your home page you have a title that incorporates your blog’s name and your main keywords. On individual pages I always recommend that you make your title the title of your post - which should of course include keywords for that post. I also include my blog name on individual pages on ProBlogger as I think it could intrigue people on Search engines to come and have a look. On some of my other blogs I just use the post title without the blog title.

So on my post ‘Does Blog Design Matter?‘ my title is ‘Does Blog Design Matter?: ProBlogger Blog Tips’

I’ve still got a long way to go with Google - my individual pages are not getting very high rankings at all - I suspect that they may have sandboxed me - but making sure your title tags are optimized is another step towards getting ranked and something I’d encourage all bloggers to consider.

Update: Another side benefit of changing your title tags to include your keywords is that you’ll find other people link to your blog using your title tags in the link. Yesterday I noticed two other blogs did this - rather than linking to me as ‘ProBlogger’ they linked as ‘Problogger Blog Tips’. This is good news because search engines look at the words that people link to you with in order to work out what your page is about and how highly to rank you for those terms. This should all help my ranking for those words.


10 Useful Tools for Writing Blog Content

. Usenet / GG Groups

- discussions that take place at Google Groups bring diverse perspectives. It also has a significant history of discussions to draw upon. You can browse through group topic relevant to your blog’s theme or you can search for a specific topic if you want to.
2. Yahoo! Answers
Like Google Groups, Yahoo! Answers is a feedbag for the content-hungry blogger.
3. Google / Yahoo! News
The news services from Google & Yahoo! provide access to tens of thousands of press releases and news articles every day. There services are indeed one of the best source of blogging ideas and search is the best way to go.
4. Keyword Tools
People type the topics, the questions they are interested to know in the search engine and these are captured by the keyword tools. So, if you are seeking a direct path to what users want to find on your blog, take advantage of using keyword tools such as Overture, MSN AdCenter, SEOBook's & Digitalpoint's. You can find a number of questions that help suggests a blog content idea.
5. Technorati
I know most of you are familiar with Technorati. It is certainly helpful for boosting blog’s traffic. But, did you know that they are also a good source for finding ideas to write about? Technorati is possibly the best for researching the most current topics or thoughts on the web. You can do basic search relative to your blog’s them. Sometimes, the posts at Technorati spark debate or disagreement, other times, they open up a whole new idea for information to be shared.
While' popular page are not a great source for unique topics, specific tag pages, however, function much like Technorati, in that they provide timely links to pages that people have bookmarked. The site will give you ideas on what people are interested in and perhaps will bring you to blog-worthy material where your next blog content can be base upon.
7. Digg & Reddit
Both sites take user submissions and user votes, and both are best referenced using a search.
8. StumbleUponStumble
Upon can be a good source of blog content ideas although Stumblers often have a preference for humor and the absurd. Some suggested that the best way to use StumbleUpon is to follow their Buzz page and use the "tag" option in the toolbar.
9. Wikipedia
The obvious choice here is to look only at the articles, but I find that many times the discussion can be equally interesting. The search function is the best way to go, as the categorization structure isn't very user-friendly, yet.
10. Craigslist
I am not expose on using Craigslist but someone says Craigslist, like Technorati, is up-to-date, but it's a less tech-savvy and often more "average joe" crowd, which can make for an interesting dichotomy. Supplying your blog’s primary keywords in the search box will bring you relevant material.When you’re out of ideas to write something to blog about, remember the above list of tools or services. If you have some other tools you used for generating blogging ideas, please feel free to add it in the comment section.
